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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Heart of Winter by Skyler Andra

Heart of Frost by Skyler Andra
*I received a free copy of this book which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.

We meet Zeyna a winter witch who has been kept prisoner by the Sultan for the last fifteen years making her weak. When a chance to escape shows itself after weighing the options she takes it putting her on the run as she tries to return to Frostborne to regain her powers. Things don't go so well when she arrives as she rune into Snow Leopard shifters immediately where Hunter places her under his control in order to bring winter back in time to save his people. They are in for quite a few surprises and bumps along the road as they try to figure things out leading to one doozy of a cliff hanger. A fantastic retelling to say the least. Makes for a great read. I really liked it so I give it 4/5 stars.

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