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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Excerpt Reveal for Enemies to Prom Dates by S. Doyle

by S. Doyle Release Date: May 20th    
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I sucked in her gasp of air and waited. That precious second when you know you’ve crossed a line, but you don’t know how it will be received. I had a sense of what Beth felt for me, even if she wouldn’t admit it to herself. Now it was time to find out if I was right.   Then it happened. The softening of her mouth. The tremble I felt through her whole body.   Let me in.   Then I was. It was everything I thought it might be. There was an innocence to Beth’s kissing, that was obvious, but the power of her personality, her passion, her fierceness. All of that was there, too.   I wanted more. I wanted all of it. I’d spent years with the certainty that, somehow, we were connected. That all this tension that had always existed between us was there for some kind of reason.   I didn’t think about where to put my hands, or how to tease her lips, or to thrust my tongue against hers in a way that would elicit a groan.   We were simply kissing and breathing and groaning. Her hands on my face, my one hand reaching for her breast. I wanted her under me. I wanted her naked and on a bed where I could destroy her. I wanted to teach her how to fuck like I’d been taught and find ways to make her orgasm that she hadn’t even considered in her, until now, pure and innocent life.   I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to fuck her now. 
Who’s Fitz? Oh just my biggest competition academically, the most arrogant guy in school, QB One and super ridiculously hot. He’s also my mortal enemy. We don’t agree on anything except that he hates me as much as I hate him. Until we realize our younger sisters are the target of a super creepy Freshman Bait List. With no choice but to team up, we have to put aside our mutual loathing only to find out…maybe we don’t hate each other as much as we thought we did? I know it for sure when the kissing starts. This book contains mature language and adult content.    
About the Author:  
No joke, my romance writing career started when I was ten and realized that Leia and Han were the true couple in Star Wars.   It's been about thirty years and over forty books and I still love it.    
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