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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Release Blitz & Review for Light the Fire by Whitley Fox writing as Natalie Sloan

Title: Light the Fire
Series: Revolution Inferno Book One
Author: Whitley Cox writing as Natalie Sloan
Genre: Dystopian, Reverse Harem, Alpha Male, Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 9, 2022 

Revolution Inferno Series, Book 1
A reverse harem dystopian novel.

Scorched earth will be the least of their problems when she’s through with them.

My entire life has been spent in a cage.
I’m the only one of my kind. A triple threat.
They keep me locked away, drawing my unique blood to transfuse into others so they may possess my skills.
I’m too valuable to be set free or used as the assassin I’ve trained as since I was three.
I am not a vessel.
I am not simply a bag of blood.
I am a human being—female—and we are dying out.
But I will fight until my last breath for the freedom I finally grasp.
And those who betray me will wish they were never created.
I am Haina, a triple threat Hellcat, the Angel of Death, and I will build my army, and together we will light the fire of revolution and rise from the ashes to start a fair and just new world ruled by the most compassionate, the most honest, and the most powerful: women.

Notes from the author
* Multiple POVs and first person.
* This is a MFMM romance. There are no MM romantic scenes or MM romances.
* This is a reverse harem novel, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. There is no cheating, no cliffhanger (to their romance arc) and definitely a happy ending.
* Book 2 will follow four new characters, as will Book 3, with the series arc coming to an end in Book 3.
* Please note that this book is set in a post-apocalyptic world where not only has eighty percent of the human population died, but the ice caps have melted, the oceans have warmed and the geographical landscape of the world as we know it has changed due to the drastic rise of sea levels. The author did consult with an environmental and climate specialist to see what the world is projected to look like in 400 years, but some creative liberties have been taken to enhance the story
*I received a free copy of this book which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.

First of all this is an amazing new world for us to explore. A virus was created that killed most of the population and the ones left have all lived through it forever changed placing them in a set category depending. At the beginning there is an explanation about how this world was created and I highly suggest reading it as it helps to explain some things. We follow Haina a triple hybrid first of a kind that has been kept in captivity her entire life though she was trained to be quite deadly. This does not stop her from trying to escape which she ultimately manages thanks to three men that we also being kept there though they were sent out on missions. There is no trust, an unknown area, and danger at every turn making this quite the adventuress read. I was hooked all the way until the very end. I cannot wait to see what happens next for this group. I really liked it so I give it 4/5 stars.

“This book was something totally new for me. Dystopian novels are something that usually take too much for my brain to process. This one was not. I loved how I could understand and follow everything that has happened to our world (not gonna lie. It scared me how possible it is). Truly an amazing story and I cannot wait for more of this world..”
– @dangrdonne ~ Donna Smith ~ ★★★★★ Bookbub Review

“Hot hot hot!! Wow! The spicy level was insane!!! Loved every page of it and can’t wait to read more!! - @mt032 ~CK ~ ★★★★★ Bookbub Review

“This book was incredible and the author did a fantastic job with her research! The science and how the world may very well look after global warming was amazing! I loved this book and the action in it didn't disappoint! There was a twist at the end that had me going oh no.” – Rachael Kaup ~ ★★★★★ Amazon Review

“I read the whole book in one day!! I loved it so much. Very steamy! I would recommend this book to everyone!!!” – Nicole ~ ★★★★★ Goodreads Review


A wolfish smile claimed his mouth as he continued to slide his hand back and forth, moving his fingers against the sensitive skin of my belly. 

“Would you like me to make you purr, Kitten?” he asked, dropping his mouth next to my ear, the warm puffs of his breath sending waves of pleasure straight down to my pussy. 

I swallowed. 

“Do you know what that little button between your legs is called? The one you love to rub until you’re panting and moaning down here on the bed that we all share.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“It’s called the clit. And the best way to push that button is by sucking on it.”

My lips parted, and I snagged his gaze as he lifted his head away from my ear. “C-can you show me?” Oh my God, what was I doing? Why I was I asking Zane of all people to show me this? He hated me and I’d given up trying to figure out why. 

I didn’t care. Yes, you do.

Whatever. I was trying not to care.

Besides, how Zane felt about me didn’t matter. Rix, Jorik and I were building a friendship, I didn’t need Zane. And yet, nothing could have moved me from that spot, or stopped me from asking him to show me. Because at that very moment, there wasn’t anything I wanted more.

That dark, wicked smile was back, the one that transformed him from a miserable grump to a sinfully delicious god who seemed hell-bent on destroying me in the best possible way. 

“Oh, Kitten,” he groaned as his fingers slid just a little farther beneath my pants, setting my body on fire. 

His mouth hung just over mine, and I could smell the mint on his breath. 

Even though Rix was always chewing on them, we’d all taken to grinding them into a paste to clean our teeth, and occasionally chewing on them, too. 

I knew this was a game. He was playing me some how, he had to be. 

But I did not care. 

My body was scorching hot, and it seemed that Zane was the only person onboard who could help tame those flames.  

Our eyes locked, and I studied the deep, mesmerizing gray of his irises. Specks of silver and white seemed to move and shimmer as his pupils widened and his lids fell heavily. 

I gasped when his teeth caught my bottom lip in a bite that sent pain laced heavily with pleasure right down to my clit

My hips lifted again. Why were they doing that? But the movement pushed his fingers even lower beneath my pants, where I ached for him to touch me. Where I’d been touching myself more and more over the last few days, feeling bliss unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. 

“Why do you … hate me?” I whispered, squeezing my eyes closed and dropping my head back at the same time he dipped his mouth to the side of my neck and scraped his teeth along my carotid artery. 

“I don’t hate you, Kitten,” he murmured, nipping a spot just below my ear.

“You sure act like it,” I countered, struggling to get the words out as my body became a maelstrom of divine sensations. As his touch grew more avid, I struggled to pick up on anything but our raging pulses and the musky, woodsy scent of the man looming over me. 

“You’re …”

“A liability?” I asked. My deadpan gaze met his and challenged him to call me what he’d called me before. Because we both knew that I wasn’t, at least not anymore. I was learning how to compartmentalize, and I’d already proven myself to be a valuable member of this team, if that’s what we were. I provided food for us. I kept watch while they slept. I wasn’t their charge. I wasn’t a princess incapable of defending herself and in need of brave soldiers defending her. 

His head shook but just barely. “A source,” he said, though it sounded like he was forcing the words out when they didn’t want to be said. 

My eyes widened, and I went to push him away, but he held me firm in my small space beneath his body, not that I truly struggled. Because I could push him off me. 

Then why wasn’t I?

“There’s so much that you just don’t know,” he said, his eyes burning into mine and lighting an even hotter fire in my belly than a moment ago. 

“Then tell me.” I lifted my chin in challenge. “Or do you prefer to keep me in the dark?”

His chuckle held only a hint of amusement, and for a breath, we just held each other’s gaze. 

A flash of white anger rushed through me. He was deliberately pushing me, but why? I was aroused beyond measure, desperately wanting him to move his hands between my legs and put his mouth on my clit and show me how sucking it made me come even more than just rubbing it, but despite the inferno in his eyes, I could also see that he was holding back and struggling to do so. 

Natalie Sloan is the mother of two gorgeous, wild little girls, and married to her high school sweetheart. She’s traveled the world, taught abroad, and now she and her scientist husband with their kids, dog and betta fish call Nanaimo, BC home. She loves writing filthy romance that tugs at your heart strings until you think they might snap, with cantankerous heroes and steel-spined heroines.


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