Iron Stake Through the Heart
Four of The Cast Iron Skillet Mystery Series
Here she comes, Mawkish
Mod! Maw-kish Mod!
A wave of laughter hits
me and others join the chant. High
school kids line each side of the walls, pushing me as I duck my head, trying
to sink into the floor—praying to be anywhere but there. Lucky me, the bully
that came up with my HS nickname is the captain of the cheerleading squad and a
straight-A student, who takes AP Literature courses. I didn’t even know what
‘mawkish’ meant so I had to look it up on my phone. It describes me to a
tee—“sickly and feeble,” and they all know it and have to rub it in daily.
I’m not sure what I’ve
gotten myself into with this mess.
What’s that cliché? One Thing Leads to Another—no, that’s a
song—domino effect? I don’t know—all I do know is that I went from being
bullied as a freckled-face scrawny kid in high school to being determined to
start over in college with a new slate.
And lookie, here I am
at Tri-City University, finding myself in a group that I actually fit in to. I
thought it was so cool to finally be a part of something—turns
out, it’s not so cool at all. Those popular kids in high school that bullied
me, I’m realizing many of those clicks had people within them that must have
been bullied, too. There always has to be a hierarchy in society. Sometimes
people seem reduced to a pack of wolves with how they behave.
This group of people I’ve
joined are definitely creepy to say the least and there are two guys that are
downright terrifying. Don’t get me wrong, they act like they are doing what’s
best for the “collective” group, but I can see danger in their eyes. Yet
again, I find myself at the bottom of the totem pole, but this time I’ll show
them. They’ll be sorry!
Oh, never mind. Who am
I kidding? I’m too weak to do any real harm—Mawkish Mod—always and forever.
Taking this online cast
iron cooking course has been something I’ve been looking forward to for some
time now. Finally, I can relax and have some fun—too bad I have to play it
cool. Maybe this one time, I’ll have my Cinderella ending—maybe not.
About Cast Iron Stake Through the Heart

Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Publisher: MYS ED LLC; 1 edition
(May 29, 2020)
~200 Pages
On again, off again, ON AGAIN–Jolie Tucker and Mick Meiser are giving their relationship another try. Things seem to be working out for them so far, and love is on the menu all over Leavensport! An unexpected pregnancy with a surprising partner, a therapist pairs off with the chief of police, and the mayor of Leavensport falls for Jolie’s Aunt Fern!
Although Leavensport is serving up affairs of the heart, there are a lot of mysterious activities lurking in the air. The townspeople awake to find freshly dug empty holes throughout the fields that were recently up for sale under suspicious circumstances. Jolie and Ava believe they are taking a break from solving murders when they start teaching an online cooking course–until they witness one of their students take a stake through the heart!
Welcome to Leavensport, OH, where DEATH takes a DELICIOUS turn!
*I received a free copy of this book which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.
Jolie is in for a doozy of an adventure this time. We start with the girls trying to tackle all sorts of new jobs in top of running their cast iron cafe. Besides Ava being a licensed P.I. now they are also starting online cooking classes which sound kind of interesting. After much prep they start the first class only for a prank gone bad to end it early. Worried about the rocky start they soldier on only to get another surprise ending. With a murder in the mix Jolie starts asking questions while also working things out with Mick. The blend of mystery, romance, and food makes for a culinary cozy you won't want to put down. The girls are a hoot as they try to figure things out. The addition of all the kitties just makes it even better. A must read for cozy fans. I really liked it so I give it 4/5 stars.
About Jodi Rath

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