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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Book Blitz & Giveaway for the Summer of Change Anthology


I am so excited that SUMMER OF CHANGE by Caryn Mahan, D. E. Laxton, Niki Bright, Mary Cook, & Lynn Daniels is available now and that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Authors Caryn Mahan, D. E. Laxton, Niki Bright, Mary Cook, Lynn Daniels, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon GC & a copy of the eBook courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & the Authors. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.

 About The Book:


Author: Caryn Mahan, D. E. Laxton, Niki Bright, Mary Cook, Lynn Daniels

Pub. Date: August 31, 2020

Publisher: Caryn Mahan

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 239

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle


They’re told they’re just kids. They’re not.They’re facing adult problems and very real consequences.Six authors came together to write eight stories about the passions and fears faced by the toughest, yet most sensitive group. Real issues are brought forward, faced, and then dealt with. Whether the world is real, or imaginary, these characters will pull you in and take you on a ride. You may find yourself sitting in the cab of a pickup, or on the back of a dragon, either way, it’s going to be an amazing ride! Come along and discover how they move away from the darkness of unhappiness, fear, lack of love, and move past life’s tragedy. Can they find the happiness and love each of us desire? The answers are within.The best styles of Stephen King, John Green, Kristin Britain, and Rick Riordan are exemplified in these fast-paced short reads.

Exclusive Excerpts!

Judges - Niki Bright

"You," she pointed to Lynn, “Witch of Endor, are blind. And you, Seli…You have become an abomination!"  (Fantasy)

Jessica's Turn - Mary Cook

Jessica’s mouth hung open for a moment, while she gawked at him. His mop of dark hair dripped water down his shoulders and across his chest, leaving dark spots on his shirt. A shirt that outlined every muscle on his torso. (Contemporary realism/romance)

Hannah's Choice- Lynn Daniels

Mortimis charged in next, he raised his arms high above his head, eyes closed, he muttered a few words. The street beneath his feet filled with a deadly bubbling pool of lava. Green tendrils flowed from his body, poisoning all that wandered too close. (RPG fantasy)

Allie - D. L. Laxton

Will I need to weigh myself down or can I just slide under and not come up? I took a deep breath and sank under the surface.  (Contemporary realism)

Beekeeper- Caryn Mahan

Her hands shook, her lungs struggled to breathe, blood rushed to her head. She faced her mom. “This has to be a hoax. It can’t be real!”


“The news is showing footage of massive things, spaceships! Nearing our moon.” (contemporary dystopian fantasy)

The Searchers- Caryn Mahan

A large brown blur blasted past us and hit Gerry in the chest. The gun went off. Everything became chaos. Screaming and yelling—a helicopter zoomed into view. My only focus was the brown dog attacking the guy called Gerry. I’d recognize that back end any day. Joy blew up through my chest and I screamed, “Joey!”  (Contemporary realism)

About The Authors:


I was born and raised in a small town in Indiana. I married right out of high school, and we have a beautiful daughter. When I'm not working on my books, you can find me in SimNation, or busting blocks on Minecraft. The inspiration for my books comes from my crazy husband.

Formerly known as B. Cook, I now write strictly PG as a personal preference.

P.S. I'm adopted. My dad made matter and time and all that good stuff. Thanks Father!

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D.E., known locally as the old hermit, lives in a 120-year-old one-room schoolhouse with five additions. He is surrounded by farm fields that use enormous amounts of Round-Up every year. Thus, his writing has become weirder over time.

He nurtures four rescued pit bulls. In return, they keep the varmints away. He is addicted to pickles and relishes, which he cans from his prolific cucumber, onion, and pepper garden.

If you find his stories enjoyable, please leave a review on Amazon. It gives him great pleasure and sends him to sleep smiling. Otherwise, he must imbibe some cheap bourbon to accomplish that goal.

D.E. has rejuvenated a long stale writing career and this short story is the launch point. Within a few days, there will be a sequel following Allie and Alex as they tackle their senior year and encounter some very unforeseen challenges.



Lynn Daniels was born and raised in Indiana, she traveled around a lot in her youth, spending a great deal of her time in Southern California. She has moved back home, to Indiana, but still the sandy beaches and snowcapped mountains call to her. She lives on the outskirts of town, enjoying the country life, where she lives with her husband, her two birds and a big rambunctious dog named Travino.



Mary Cook is a retired police detective that lives in a small town right outside a ring of fire, just on the other side of…no wait, that’s a different character.

Actually retired, with hours and hours to write the next great novel, oh wait…nope that’s me. Yes, totally retired. Worlds come alive in my head, characters stand over my shoulder, and sometimes they wake me up at night. All of them want to come alive, to have their stories written. No matter how I think the story should go, it goes according to how the character decides it should. An evil character finds redemption. A beloved character is massacred for no good reason. They all write their own stories.

The ideas come to me, the character develops a personality, and the result is a book. I sincerely hope that everyone will love my books, but what I write isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. (Is it Mary? You sure you don’t want me to take care of it?) (Get back in the book, Ann!) I love to write stories that make you think, maybe make you a little uncomfortable. I am actually a pretty boring person. Retired, live in a dungeon (my office), two birds and a dog. Every now and then my husband expects me to come out and interact with the world, and I do (begrudgingly). Writing is my hobby, I used to do other things with my hands, crochet, knit…but then I got old(er), and they just don’t work as good as they used to.

On a more personal note, I do have children. I have three grown children, and lots and lots of grandchildren, with a few great-grandchildren. It’s like they’re in a competition on who can produce the most. If any of you read the back of the book, you’ll know that there’s more. But, outside of that, nothing. Boring. So, I bring life and color into the world through the pages of my books. Every time someone buys a book, or gives a review, I’m delightfully surprised. My eternal gratitude to all of you, for reading what I have written, and allowing me to become a small part of your life.

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I wrote my first story in third grade. It was about an Oriole family.

I have a love for the written word and have devoured books by great authors over a reading lifetime of sixty years. I firmly believe in the notion that a writer must also be a reader. I also firmly believe I gained a veritable treasure trove of writing skills through my reading. Writers such as James Michener, JR Tolkein, Leon Uris, Robert Jordan, Carol O'Connell, Albert Payson Terhune, Anna Sewell, Edgar Allen Poe, and so many more I could list.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

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Giveaway Details:

One lucky winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card, International.


  1. nice cover. I like that there are 6 stories and 8 authors in this book. It sounds good. Thanks for the chance.

  2. sounds so good!

