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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Blog Tour & Giveaway for The Siren Jewel by Karri Roberts

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE SIREN JEWEL by Karri Roberts Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway! 

 About The Book:

Title: THE SIREN JEWEL: Spellbound Prison Saga

Author: Karri Roberts

Pub. Date: June 14, 2021

Publisher: Wicked Tales Press

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 161

Find it:  GoodreadsAmazon

Read for FREE With A Kindle Unlimited Membership!

Discovering I was a witch was my new beginning…

being locked away for it may be my end.

Will my father’s lies cost me my life?

Imprisoned for the ultimate crime, use of forbidden magic, should earn me some respect at Spellbound Prison, but when I refuse to join the Blood Coven no amount of street cred can save me from their wrath. Their reach extends far past the inmates, possibly all the way to the Warden himself.

I don’t stand a chance alone, but trusting people is not my strong suite at the moment.

Discovering my true heritage brings dangers of its own…

My powers can no longer be contained with binding spells. I can’t control them and my enemies know more about my magic than I do.

Could the family pendant that hangs from my neck be the key to everything?

Learning to control my powers will take some getting used to.

Being imprisoned with the worst criminals in the magical community will take survival skills.

You’ll love this gripping tale full of magic, mayhem, and mermaids because Jewels’ fight for survival and the truth will keep you on the edge of your seat. 


I leaned against his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. I breathed in his musky scent, an addicting aroma of fig and sandalwood. We sat there wrapped in each other’s arms until I felt myself start to drift off to sleep.

“Hey, none of that now. We better get back before they notice we are gone. Magic like that is draining. You need to rest.”

He pulled me to my feet and led me back up the stairs and out the red door. We walked down the hall hand in hand, not a guard in sight. As we rounded the corner to my cellblock an alarm sounded, followed by the warden’s voice over the intercom.

“Return to your cells immediately for a head count. Those outside of their cells in five minutes will be dealt with using lethal force. Return to your cells now.”

Brendan’s jaw clenched. He grabbed my cheeks between his palms, kissing me hard on the mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck, searching for that feeling from before. I reached it just as his lips parted from mine and his fingers caressed my cheeks. My body craved his again and I never wanted him to leave.

“Get to your cell.” The shine in his eyes was gone and a dull sadness was all that was left. “Stay safe, Newbie.” He turned on his heels and sprinted down the hall, disappearing around a corner before I could say goodbye. A splash followed by dampness on my leg dragged me from my trance. I looked down and my eyes landed on Bree peeking out from the water. Only the top half of her face and head were visible. She bobbed up and down in the dark, stone trench, her eyes wide with fright. She lifted her head completely out of the water and locked eyes with me.

“Jewels, I think the secrets have escaped,” she whispered.

“What secrets, Bree?”

“All of them.” Footsteps thundered down the hall as inmates barreled into their cells and Bree disappeared beneath the water.


About Karri Roberts: 

Karri’s head has always been full of stories laced with magic and mayhem but it wasn’t until adulthood when she finally decided to put pen to paper and share the tales of her mind with the world. She aims to write strong female characters inspired by childhood television favorites as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dark Angel. She loves her protagonists to face twists, turns, and inner challenges that make them examine their sense of self. She is a fan of all things magical, creepy, and supernatural (TeamDean).

Karri lives in Oklahoma with her crazy family, a house full of pets, and an overabundance of craft supplies. When she’s not writing she can be found spending time with her loved ones, binging her current tv obsession, or working on her podcast The Blitzed Book Club.

Karri writes fantasy under the pen name Karri Roberts and post-apocalyptic sci-fi under Karri Kadin.

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Giveaway Details:

1 lucky winner will wina $10 Amazon GC, International.

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