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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Her Wild Hero by Paige Tyler

Her Wild Hero (X-Ops, #3)

Book three in the X-Ops series. This time we finally get Kendra's story. She has been harassing John to let her go in the field for years, but he never caves until finally as a reward he decides to send her as an observer of one of the teams being sent to train in another country. She finds herself going with Declans' team on what is supposed to be a nice safe mission though she is just happy to be out of the office. Once they arrive things go all to hell though and the two of them find themselves paired up together having to keep each other alive until they are rescued or find their way out. To make things even worse they are being hunted by hybrids that wish to capture them alive though they have no clue why. Thankfully all of this survival allows the two of them to finally see how they feel for one another hooking up before they rendezvous with the rest of the team. I enjoyed reading how these two got closer and closer just due to survival. This forces them to talk, and it really helped that they were both able to open up when it came to the hard questions. There is more then enough action worked in to keep the story flowing though. I will admit that I am completely addicted to the arching story line by this point and am looking forward to what ever happens next. This book is great for fans of action romance with some supernatural shifting thrown into the mix. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

Along Came a Duke by Elizabeth Boyle

Along Came a Duke (Rhymes With Love, #1)

Book one in the Rhymes With Love series. Tabitha is more than happy being a spinster until the day she is told that her wealthy Uncle has died and the only way she can inherit is to marry someone named Mr. Barkworth who she has never met. Being poor is not appealing so she decides to gather her courage and go through with it. Things would have been fine is she did not inadvertently fall in love with the Duke of Preston making it necessary for her to find a way to inherit while still marrying who she wants. Preston has a knack for messing things up which does not change as he attempts to help Tabitha with her situation but like all good romance novels it all works out in the end though the road had quite a few funny spots along the way. Overall this is a really god historical romance novel that stays fairly period accurate from what I could tell. I give it 4/5 stars.

The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare

The Duchess Deal (Girl Meets Duke, #1)

Book one in the new Girl Meets Duke series and it is incredible!! I loved each and every minute of it and am looking forward to reading it again soon. The Duke of Ashbury returned from the war with burns down one half of his body which he believes  makes him a monster that no one could love. His own fiance turns him down when she sees him finding him repulsive. When the wedding gets cancelled the dressmaker, Emma, desperately needs paid so she confronts the Duke. Impressed by her ability to look directly at him he proposes an arranged marriage where she can do what she wants during the day but the nights are his so can hide his scars. Being in a financial bind she agrees which leads to one of the funniest marriages ever as they try to blend their two lives. There is a hilarious cat scene, and quite a few other blunders which had me rolling on the floor laughing. The verbal interactions are quite witty making me love the characters that much more rooting for their romance to make it. Overall this is one of the best historical romance novels that I have read in quite some time. Dare is very quickly becoming one of my new favorite romance authors. I give it 5/5 stars because I absolutely loved every single page.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Macrame Murder by Mollie Cox Bryan

Macramé Murder (Cora Crafts Mystery #3)

* I received an ARC copy from Netgalley which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for. Expected publication date is tomorrow August 29, 2017.

Book three in the Cora Crafts Mystery series. Cora, Jane, and Ruby are heading to a tropical island to be guest teachers at a craft resort. They have been planning this trip for quite some time (it is mentioned in both book one and two) so they are really excited to be going. Cashel and Adrian decide to go with so they can all relax in their down time. During their first night there an alert goes off that stops them from going to the beach. The next morning they discover the alert was because a dead body was found on the beach. The dead person is a woman who just happens to be Adrian's ex-girlfriend that he has told Cora nothing about. This makes him the main suspect in the murder so even though Cora is not from the island she finds herself asking questions to see if she can clear his name in time for them all to go home especially after Cashel acting as his lawyer is so tight lipped. This book has quite a few twists and turns in it that keeps the reader guessing until the very end. Overall this is an excellent cozy mystery that is full of character, fun, intrigue, and more so I give it 4/5 stars.

Berry the Hatchet by Peg Cochran

Berry the Hatchet (Cranberry Cove #2)

Book two in the Cranberry Cove series. It is now winter in Cranberry Cove and the town is gearing up for the first annual Winter's Walk which is an effort to bring in business between Christmas and spring. The event is to kick off with a sleigh ride and mini parade. Ten minutes before the sleigh is to arrive it instead comes racing down the street led by a scared horse looking empty. Once they get it stopped they find Preston (ironically the new mayor) dead inside with a knife sticking out of his throat. Things get interesting when it is discovered that he was dating Monica's step-mom (dad is divorcing her now) and her mother though neither woman knew about the other. I was dying laughing at the irony that they were both dating the same man which is what happened in their past. Guess they just really like the same kind of man. Of course this has the effect of making both of them suspects in the murder. Monica finds herself investigating whether she wants to or not. She keeps stumbling across clues though it takes her awhile to put it all together and of course she finds herself in danger by the end. I' m loving the new kitten though as it adds quite a bit of cuteness throughout the story. Overall this is an excellent cozy mystery book that keeps the reader entertained until the very last page so it gets 4/5 stars.

Her Lone Wolf by Paige Tyler

Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops, #2)

Book two in the X-Ops series. After all of the drama that he caused in book one we now get the story of Clayne and Danica both the past and present. It is mentioned several times in the first book that these two ended up as more than partners and then they were separated though no real details are given. That changes after this book. Working for the FBI Danica comes across a serial killer that she knows is a shifter so she has to call her old department because she knows that no normal law enforcement can stop the killer. The boss decides to send Clayne to help and I firmly believe that he us purposely putting him and her together even if they do not want that. They two are placed on a task force, and she is tasked with babysitting him against her will. While they try to solve the case they slowly start working out their issues with plenty of flash backs for the reader to catch up with what went wrong. Once the secrets are all revealed the two become determined to stay together no matter what which leads to a few clandestine missions to eliminate some evidence. I enjoyed reading this story as it is outside the traditional story line of a romance novel. The shifter angle gives it a nice spin which I enjoyed so it gets 4/5 stars.

Her Perfect Mate by Paige Tyler

Her Perfect Mate (X-Ops, #1)

Book one in the X-Ops series. Welcome to the world of secret government agencies where in this case shape shifters are paired up with a normal partner and their skills are used for covert ops missions. Ivy has had two partners so far, and neither one has worked out well at all. Landon has been part of Special Forces for quite some time when he is suddenly yanked from a mission and sent to D.C. to meet his new partner and new department that he was unaware existed. Landon is thrown into training with no warning about what Ivy actually is and they are both supposed to work like a well oiled machine together which would be easier without all of the secrets standing in their way. On top of that one of the bigwigs has set them up fro failure, and is very unhappy when they are able to pull off their training and missions. To make things even worse they are both highly attracted to each other (being a cat shifter she thinks she is in heat which made m giggle) yet are forbidden from having a relationship so instead they decide to hide it. Things come to a head between the two of them when they are sent on a dangerous mission that ends up with Landon hurt and Ivy captured. He has to call in his old team (and one other shifter he does not like) so their secrets do not come out while they save the day. I have to say this was a fast paced romance novel with lots of drama and suspense involved. If you like military like settings, romance, and a taste of supernatural flavor thanks to the shifters then this is the book for you. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

Once Upon a Winter's Eve by Tessa Dare

Once Upon a Winter's Eve (Spindle Cove, #1.5)

Book 1.5 in the Spindle Cove series. This is a novella meaning it is short, sweet, and to the point which is just fine with me. Violet moved to Spindle Cove after being ruined by who she calls "the Disappointment." She is attending the Christmas Ball when a foreign stranger interrupts and collapses on her covered in blood. She is the only one that can translate for him so she is kept near him. Things really heat up when he reveals that he is the man that ruined her and he is back to make his claim on her. She of course does not believe him until events show her differently, and by the time he has to leave again to meet up with a boat she has agreed to wait for him until he returns. When he does in the epilogue they are quick to marry and all is right with the world. This story may be short but it does not disappoint in the suspense/drama department. I really enjoyed reading the explosive dynamic between the two of them so i give this one 4/5 stars.

Berried Secrets by Peg Cochran

Berried Secrets (Cranberry Cove #1)

Book one in the Cranberry Cove series. Welcome to the world of cranberry bogs in Cranberry Cove, Michigan. Monica has moved there to help her brother run his farm after he returns injured from serving as a soldier. Jeff does the farming part, and Monica bakes all of the cranberry goodies that are sold at their little farm store. It is harvest time and Monica gets up early to go with Jeff so she can see what all goes into gathering the ruby red berries after the bogs have been flooded. They don their waders, grab their rakes, and get starting pushing the berries towards the machine that will suck them all up.Just as hse starts to get the hang of things her rake gets stuck on something. When she tugs on it something floats to the surface. It is quickly obvious that it is a dead body. It just happens to be the mayor who ran the farm when her brother was deployed. The problem is that it was just discovered that the mayor was robbing him blind which combined with other things makes Jeff the main suspect. Of course Monica has to investigate to clear his name which put her in danger as well. This is a great cozy mystery. It has some wonderful characters (both at the farm and in town), smooth development, plenty of surprises, and enough action to keep the reader turning the page until they come to the end. I really enjoyed reading it so I give it 4/5 stars.

While the Duke Was Sleeping by Sophie Jordan

While the Duke Was Sleeping (The Rogue Files, #1)

Book one in the Rogue Files series. Well this is definitely a different type of romance book though I enjoyed every minute of it. Poppy works at a flower shop where she has convinced herself that she is love with the Duke that visits on a weekly basis. She has an entire dream romance going on in her head and he does not even know her name. After he leaves one day she sees him get into a fight outside with another man so she goes out to break it up when no one else will do anything. During the confusion the Duke is almost ran over by a carriage and when she pushes him out of the way he hits his head falling into a coma. Forced to travel home with him she is believed to be his fiance in all the confusion. Before she can fix this mistake the Duke's best friend asks her not to. This would not be a problem if the man he was fighting with was not his brother who she happens to be highly attracted to. As she desperately hopes to be with the Duke she falls in love with the brother and things really heat up when the Duke finally awakens. The development of this story had me laughing, and the interactions between the characters is great. I always love a good historical romance and the tweaks made with this one just made my day so it gets 4/5 stars.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Lover Be Mine by Nicole Jordan

Lover Be Mine (Legendary Lovers, #2)

Book tow in the Legendary Lovers series. We catch up with the Wilde cousins again as they each embark on a quest to relive a great classical romance that will allow them to find their true love like family legend alludes to. It was a Cinderella story for book one, but this time we get Romeo & Juliet. Jack is up and his cousins have matched him with Sophie who just happens to belong to the family that theirs has been in a feud with for generations. Jack sneaks into a masquerade ball to meet the woman and of course he becomes so intrigued that he finds himself wanting to spend time with her even when he knows he cannot. This leads to quite a bit of sneaking around so they can spend some time together while also avoiding the Duke that is determined to court her. What had me cracking up was that the Aunt that is financially supporting Sophie is all for her romance with Jack even though her father is dead set against it. Once the two realize they care for one another they start doing everything they can to end the feud and get their families to give their blessings. I have to admit that this is a different type of romance with everything that is going on with both of their families. I enjoy it though felling it was breath of fresh air from the normal formula writing. I highly recommend it to fans of historical romance novels and since I really enjoyed it gets 4/5 stars.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Sun Trail by Erin Hunter

The Sun Trail (Warriors: Dawn of the Clans, #1)

Book one in the Dawn of the Clans series which if you have read any of them this is yet another series for this active author (or I guess I should say group of authors at this point). In these books we follow cats as the live in clans with rules, requirements, and drama in ways I have never considered a cat acting or living to be honest but what do I know. For this series the group of cats that settled in the cave in the mountains is starving and overcrowding their space. This leads to the decision that they need to split apart with some of them leaving to follow the "sun trail" to a new home. This leads to some dissension of course but in the end they split up. We follow one cat as he decides to stay but then has to leave. We follow the group after he joins them and the all reach the area we came to love in the first few series which followed Firestar as he went from kitty pet to clan leader. Once they arrive the group splits again with the main characters brother leading the other one. Fighting occurs and things really heat up just as the book ends. Now I will have to get my hands on the next book to see what happens. Written for grades 4-6 this is the perfect book to interest animal lovers that like to read (or have to for school) with simple chapters that keep the reader hooked as they move from one event to the next. There is just enough detail to make the scenes come to life but not enough to frighten children or push the limit too far (like kits are part of the story but not how they are really made or the full extent of the labor as these would be inappropriate). I enjoy the realism while it is still entertaining. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

The Unlikely Lady by Valerie Bowman

The Unlikely Lady (Playful Brides, #3)

Book three in the Playful Brides series. This book had me cracking up. We finally get the love story of Jane and Garrett who have bickered there way through books one and two. I wondered if they secreted had a thing for each other and I was right in a way it just needed some development which was helped along by the house party for Cass's wedding that they both had to attend. Things heat up when there is a masquerade ball where the two end up kissing for quite some time before they realize who the other is. This has the effect of removing the blinders from their eyes and when others show their interest (a conniving widow for instance who makes me want to slap her I must admit). The dialogue between the two is witty and addicting. The chemistry was great and I really enjoyed seeing these two gravitate towards one another as I always thought they should. Great fro fans of historical romance. I give it 4/5 stars.

Loved by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

 Loved (House of Night Other World #1)

Book one in the new House of Night Other World series. This is essentially the beginning of a new series that picks up about year after the end of the House of Night series and yes you should really read that one first if you want this one to have the full impact. While their are efforts made to kind-of explain things it is a far cry from having all the information from reading the previous series. I loved it so had no problems reading it first and I really enjoyed the beginning of this one as well even if it does get off to a slow start. The whole nerd herd gets back together for Zoey's birthday (who is High Priestess by the way) after scattering all across the country. Most of them are severely home sick and wish to return and they all grumble about how hard adulting is (this made me giggle as I have been doing this for quite a while by this point). Once the book got past all of this things started to heat up. We have zombie vampires from an another world that crave flesh while being contagious as well. Amongst the invading group are a few members that happen to be dead or estranged in this group which makes things a little weird. Discovering the cause of the problem and the solution takes the rest of the book which has some surprises and twists to keep the reader interested. This is a great addition to the House of Night world. It is great to catch up with characters that I fell in love with and to see that things are not running smoothly even after all they went through. Great for fans of fantasy supernatural type books. Not sure if this falls into YA or the new MA since they are all 18 and above but I really enjoyed so it gets 4/5 stars.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Assaulted Caramel by Amanda Flower

Assaulted Caramel (An Amish Candy Shop Mystery)

*I received a free copy from Netgalley which I voluntarily wrote an honest review of. Expected publication date is August 29, 2017.

Book one in a the brand new Amish Candy Shop Mystery series. I have to say I really enjoyed this book. We get to meet Bailey King who after training for years is up for the position of head chocolatier at a huge powerful company in New York. This is a very prestigious career move, but it is put in jeopardy when it becomes necessary for her to travel to Harvest, Ohio in the thick of Amish country because her grandfather has taken ill not doing well at all. Her grandparents have run a candy shop for generations and Olivia received her childhood training at their knee when she visited every summer. Just as she arrives grandpa collapses and she finds out that he is being harassed to sell the shop which he does not have any intention of doing. Before she can talk to the man pushing him to sell she finds his dead body in the kitchen of the shop in the middle of the night. No one has a clue why he is there, but she quickly becomes the number one suspect. Unable to leave because she is a suspect she finds herself investigating in order to clear her name. Her best friend from New York shows up to help as well. It is all figured out in the end though I will admit the two fold solution threw me for a loop, but was a really nice surprise. The epilogue was even better. This book was incredible and I highly recommend it to fans of cozy mysteries or the author in general since her other books are also great. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars and I am really looking forward to the next installment in the series which comes out next year.

A Killer Plot by Ellery Adams

A Killer Plot (A Books by the Bay Mystery, #1)

Book one in the Books By the Bay Mysteries series. This series takes place in small town called Oyster Bay in North Carolina. We get to meet Olivia who lives with her poodle Captain, has more money then she needs, and has a family history that she wishes the rest of the town could forget about. Having purposely kept to herself over the years she find herself feeling as if she needs some extra interaction with others. She has been attempting to write a book for quite some time now so when she is invited to join a group of aspiring authors she is really tempted. With a few words of encouragement from her best friend she decides to take the chance and evens goes so far as to renovate the old lighthouse cottage to give them somewhere to meet besides the distracting cafe. As they come to the first meeting after she joins the author of the meeting fails to show up but when they go looking for him they find him dead. Olivia finds herself unable to investigate which of course places her in danger though it all works out well in the end (the dog even helps in his own way). This is a really cute cozy mystery that has well developed characters, lots of details, and a flow that keep the reader turning the page until their are no more left. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

To Marry a Scottish Laird by Lynsay Sands

To Marry a Scottish Laird (Highlanders, #2)

Book two in the Highlanders series. This book makes quite the jump from the time line of book one since the previous couple now have lots of kids of their own. Cam saves what he thinks is lad from a group of men being injured in the process. He is unconscious for a few days only to discover that the lad took care of him while he was out instead of abandoning him. His next surprise is that the lad is actually a lass, named Joan, who just happens to be traveling (dressed as a boy to stay safe) to an area right next to his home. They become friends and more along the way before they reach their final destination where surprises and drama that neither expected awaits them. The twists keep the story fresh and the connection to the couple from book one was a pleasant surprise. I admire Joan's fortitude as she seems able to go after the things she really wants in life. Overall this is a really good historical romance novel that has wonderful characters, a nice take on the romance, and plenty of things going on to keep the reader interested. I really enjoyed so it gets 4/5 stars.

Coming Soon!! Pigface and the Perfect Dog by Judy Alter

 Pigface and the Perfect Dog

​By Judy Alter

 ISBN 978-0-9960171-3-3 (digital) ISBN 978-0-9960331-4-0 (trade paperback)
Alter Ego Publishing
Paperback: pages
September 7, 2017, $14.95
Series: Oak Grove Mysteries
Book 2

Also available in Kindle format

Susan Hogan thinks she’s about to meet her maker when she confronts a rifle-carrying man, who looks like a pig, in a grocery store. Jake investigates the body of a young college student, shot in the back and found in an empty pasture. Aunt Jenny showers love on the new puppy a young man from the grocery gave her, but she has to get rid of that heavy collar.
Susan is associate profess or of English at Oak Grove (Texas) University; her partner, Jake, is Chief of Campus Security. Aunt Jenny, the maiden lady who raised Jenny, came to Oak Grove to help Susan, who was accused of murder in The Perfect Coed. How much help Jenny was is debatable, but she made a fast friend in Judge John Jackson and stayed in Oak Grove.
Trouble in Oak Grove begins with the open-carry protestors in the store and leads to a shooting, breaking and entering, threats and an attempted kidnapping, a clandestine trip to the woods late at night. Will Susan Hogan land in trouble…or the hospital…again? Will Susan and Jake survive this as a couple? Susan is still prickly but she learns some lessons about life, love, and herself in this second Oak Grove Mystery.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Once a Rebel by Mary Jo Putney

Once a Rebel (Rogues Redeemed, #2)

*I received an ARC copy from Netgalley which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for. Expected publication date is August 29, 2017.

Book two in the Rogues Redeemed series. Lord George (or Gordon as he prefers) is a member of the group of men that were trapped together in the Spanish prison waiting to die. After their escape they all swore to reform and so far each has in their own way. Gordon is hired to travel to America during the war of 1812 in order to locate and save a widow who's family is concerned. What he has no way of knowing is that the widow is his long lost childhood friend that he has been searching for for quite some time. Callie was told that he was dead so when he shows up (just in time to save her from some British soldiers) she is in shock to find he is alive. As they travel together to reach her family and decide how to proceed from this point on they get to know one another again which is how they find out they really always loved each other even if they did not know it. I have to admit this book was quite fun. It involved English characters as usual but the bulk of the book takes place on American soil which is a nice change of place even if there is a war going on. The two have to tackle quite a few obstacles together which just serve to reinforce their relationship. I highly recommend this book to fans of historical romance because Putney has written an excellent novel yet again. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

The Accidental Countess by Valerie Bowman

The Accidental Countess (Playful Brides, #2)

Book two in the Playful Brides series. Lucy may be married after the last book but she is definitely not done causing trouble especially when it comes to one of her best friends. Cassandra (Cass) has been in love with Julian since she was a teenager but she thought her loved was doomed because he was betrothed to her cousin plus he went off to war. When the news that he is returning goes around Cass cannot contain her excited and really wants to just see him if only once. When he shows up to talk to her cousin she gets roped into lying to him which in turns leads to the grand plot Lucy comes up with to save the day. As usual things go wrong and almost ruins everything but like any good romance novel things turn okay in the end with the happy couple together. This book moved a little a little slower than most romance books due to subterfuge going on which drove me a little wonky I must admit. It took a good 2/3 of the book before it really got good to me. I did enjoy catching up with the characters from the last book, and it was nice to read how Cass and Julian end up together. I marked it is 4/5 stars on Goodreads but will admit that it is really closer to a 3.5.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

When the Scoundrel Sins by Anna Harrington

When the Scoundrel Sins (Capturing the Carlisles, #2)

*I received an ARC copy from Netgalley which i chose to voluntarily write an honest review for. Expected publication date is August 29, 2017.

Book two in the Capturing the Carlisles series. This book was just as good as the first one only this time we get to follow the youngest brother instead of the oldest. Annabelle was ruined in society about six years before by Quinn when a situation went wonky making things happen that was never intended. Now Annabelle has to be married by her 25th birthday or lose her inheritance. This prompts her family to invite Quinn to visit with the excuse that a male chaperone is needed as she searching for a husband amongst the treasure hunters. What neither of them know is that they were thrown together on purpose in an effort for them to realize that they really love each other before her birthday and he thinks he is moving to America. Harrington has done it again with this excellent romance novel. I found myself hooked from the first page and unable to truly stop until I was done. The details are accurate, the conversation is witty, the romance has enough ups and downs to keep me hooked, and it was impossible to not fall in love with all of the characters. The more books of hers I read the more I love her so I highly recommend this book to fans of historical romance. I really enjoyed so it gets 4/5 stars.

If the Duke Demands by Anna Harrington

If the Duke Demands (Capturing the Carlisles, #1)

Book one in the new Capturing the Carlisles series. How have I not read any books by this author before? She is incredible. We start by meeting Miranda as she sneaks into the room of the brother that she has had a crush on for years only to find out at the wrong moment that it is the older ones room not the ones she was looking for. Before their identities were known (masks are involved) things went far enough for Sebastian to notice that Miranda is no longer a young girl. Instead she has blossomed into a beauty that he cannot help but think about. The two make a deal with each other where she will help him find a wife and he will help her get noticed by his brother. Unfortunately what they have not realized is that they really love each other so all of their endeavors are doomed to failure. It was great reading about these two getting it all wrong and fighting their feelings. The development is smooth and there is just enough drama to keep the reader interested. I had a hard time putting the book down once I got started and I highly recommend it to fans of historical romances. I give it 4/5 stars.

With Open Eyes by Iris Johansen

With Open Eyes: An Original Short Story

Book 1.5 in the Kendra Michaels series. I have fallen in love with all of the Kendra books so while this is a really short novella I still had to read it just so I can say that I have read all of the books in the series. This one really does not showcase her skills, but at the same time you can see hpw good she is at noticing absolutely everything around her. One of her old teachers pops up in this story needing her help after am an she loves disappears. Of course Kendra has to help and while the story is very brief it all works out in the end regardless. Since she had to ask for FBI help it explains some comments in the future books that I did not completely understand. So while short it is still worth the time to read if you love Johansen's books which I do giving this one 4/5 star.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Tell-Tale Tarte by Maya Corrigan

The Tell-Tale Tarte

Book four in the Five-Ingredient Mystery series. As her grandad pressure her about starting on his cookbook she finds herself out one day when a man collapses that from a distance looks exactly like her grandfather. When she rushes to help she finds it is not him but an actor that happens to work with her boyfriend Gunner. It is discovered that the actor was murdered and Gunner is the prime suspect. Of course Val has to investigate when just gets interesting as her Grandad butts in to help whether she wants him to or not. Val catches her Grandad impersonating a famous author at a catering event she has which causes her to make connections with the dead actor who was dressed in the exact same outfit making it possible that he was an impersonator too. When the author and his family become involved things really heat up until the finale at the end when it all comes out. While I enjoy that characters and premise of the book I couldn't help but feel just "blah" during certain parts of the book went made it a trial to keep turning the pages. I did not get the same hook pulling me in as the first three books in the series. Maybe things will improve again with the next installment but for not I just like it so it gets 3/5 stars.

The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean

The Day of the Duchess (Scandal & Scoundrel, #3)

Book three in the Scandal & Scoundrel series. Well this book is definitely different. the couple in the book are already married though things went horribly bad and they have been apart for almost three years. Seraphina shows up on the last day for the House of Lords marching to the middle of the floor and demands a divorce which as we all know was next to impossible back then. Malcolm the Duke of Haven has been looking for her since she left to no avail and he thinks that the time off for the Lords will provide him the time he needs to win her back because he has loved her the whole time. He makes her come stay at their country estate and she brings all of her sisters to proved back-up. This leads to some interesting fireworks and more as the Duke enacts some other plans of his during this stay too which throws others into the mix as well. The two of them love one another but thanks to past hurt, lies, and misunderstandings a huge moat of guilt, pain, and suffering stand between the two of them. Watching them find their back to each other was quite interesting and I really enjoyed so it gets 4/5 stars. I highly recommend all the books in the series to fans of historical romances.

Asking for Truffle by Dorothy St. James

Asking for Truffle (A Southern Chocolate Shop Mystery #1)

*I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley which I voluntarily wrote an honest review for. The expected publication date is September 12, 2017.

Book one in the new Southern Chocolate Shop Mystery series. This is a really good book. Meet Charity Penn (she prefers to be called Penn) who grew up the as the shuffled around bastard child of a really rich family. This entitled her to a trust fund (that she cannot touch without approval) but not much else to be honest. Due to this most of the people she meets are after her money making it hard to ever trust anyone so when she gets a letter saying she one free chocolate making classes in a contest she never entered she sends her best friend to check it out. The only problem is that he turns up dead. When the local cops accuse him of being a drug dealer she feels compelled to travel south to clear his name if she can. After she gets there she also visits the chocolate shop and against her better judgement she takes the cooking classes. When the owner of the shop dies she leaves the shop to Penn against her family's wishes. this means Penn has to decide if she will stay or go while trying to solve a murder that puts her in danger at the same time. There are some really interesting characters in this book and the descriptions of the chocolate had me drooling. The dog had me laughing and shaking my head the same time since he is constantly so mean. That creep cat seems to set the little dog right making me curious about future cohabitation for the two of them. This is a great new mystery series making it a must read. I really enjoyed so it gets 4/5 stars and I am really looking forward to book two in the series.

Gone With the Twins by Kylie Logan

Gone with the Twins (League of Literary Ladies #5)

Book five in  the League of Literary Ladies series. Bea is stressed for this book because a set of famous twins have moved to the island opening a huge B & B that competes with hers. This would not be a problem because she feels that there is enough business for them all but that changes once weird rumors start to pop up about her business and her personally. On top of that when she arrives at the home of a dead women to pay for furniture her as well as a group of others find the family member in charge dead in the basement. to make things even worse Bea's friend and neighbor Chandra becomes one of the main suspects making it necessary for Bea to find out what actually happen. She also has to find the source of the rumors as well. What she doesn't' know is that the murder and the rumors are more closely linked than she thinks. This book moved the arching story line along quite nicely and I was very happy with the development of the romance with Levi. With the surprise at the very end I am really looking forward to the next book in the series to see how it changes things for Bea around the island. I really enjoy all the books in this series so far so this one gets 4/5 stars just like the others.

And Then There Were Nuns by Kylie Logan

And Then There Were Nuns (League of Literary Ladies #4)

Book four in the League of Literary Ladies series. This one had me cracking up. For this installment Bea helps host a group of ten nuns that are coming to the island for a retreat. Bea has to help with their meals mainly, but instead she finds her self wrapped up in a murder investigation instead a the nuns start disappearing turning up dead later (except one that was still alive but it took awhile for them to figure that out). The reactions of the nuns had me laughing though at the same time I was impressed with tenacity and acceptance of what was happening around them. I admit that enjoy how each one of the books in this series matches the murders up with a book story line that matches it for the most part. This comparison between real life and fiction seems to help spur Bea and her group to develop new directions to follow when trying to investigate. I really like it. I also enjoyed the explosions that always seem to occur between Bea and Levi. Having the truth come out really did not help things between the two of them and I am really hoping that things get a little better in a future installment. Overall some great writing making this perfect for fans of cozy mysteries. i really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Legend of Sleepy Harlow by Kylie Logan

The Legend of Sleepy Harlow (League of Literary Ladies #3)

Book three in the League of Literary Ladies series. Halloween is coming up and the island is really getting into the spirit with festivities and more. Bea is excited because the B & B has been booked by a ghost hunting group known as the Elkhart Ghost Getters (EGG). What she doesn't know is that they group was there the year before and they caused quite a few problems especially fro her friend Kate. Which is why Kate refuses to allow them access to the winery for filming and is very upset when she finds they broke in after using a ruse to get her off the island for a little bit. If that was not bad enough the woman in charge of the group is found dead the very next day inside a part of the winery that she should never have been in. This makes Kate a suspect so of course Bea has to investigate to find what really happen putting herself in danger in the process. Things really heat up as things start coming out and that is without the possibility of a real live ghost thrown into the mix. Overall this is a great mix of mystery, whimsy, and more. I love the character interactions (I would have killed the cat by now I have to admit) and the setting is incredible. This is a must read for fans of cozy mystery and since I really enjoyed it I give it 4/5 stars.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Unexpected Duchess by Valerie Bowman

The Unexpected Duchess (Playful Brides, #1)

Book one in the Playful Brides series. Meet Lady Lucy who has a tongue that she can never keep silent much to society's dismay. She meets Lord Derek Hunt as he begins his search for his duchess. He just happens to set his sights on Lucy's friend though the friend is in love with another man making her very uninterested in his suit so she asks Lucy to help her run him off since she has no problem saying whatever comes to mind. This leads to sparks flying between the two as they battle back and forth with another in pursuit of the friend. What neither realizes is that they are really falling in love with each other though they fight it every step of the way. Excellent historical romance novel that has lots of things going on as we get to watch the relationship progress at the same time. Sparks fly constantly as the two but heads and the result is steamy and comical at the same time. I highly recommend this to fans of historical romance novels and since I really enjoyed it I give it 4/5 stars.

Death of a Country Fried Redneck by Lee Hollis

Death of a Country Fried Redneck (Hayley Powell Food and Cocktails Mystery, #2)

Book two in the Hayley Powell Food & Cocktails Mystery series. I did not like this book as much as I liked the first one. It starts with Hayley being really excited that her favorite country singer is coming to town to hold two charity concerts. He will be looking to hire a chef for his stay which gives Hayley hope that she can meet him by cooking for him. She sneaks into the kitchen at the diner to cook his breakfast and though and behold while things did not work exactly as planned she still got the job. While delivering his food she is harassed by one of his road crew so the singer fires him. Things should have been fine but the guy is found dead later after being burnt up in one of the tour buses. Of course the singer has to be one of the main suspects so Hayley has to finds out what really happened to clear his name. The murder investigation follows a normal pattern which in a good world would mean that it was good but all the fan girl antics in this book turned me right off. It seemed like every other page Hayley was acting like a teenager meeting her crush which is really annoying. I was happy to hit the last page so I can move onto the next book in the series hoping that it is more like the first one then this one. I marked it as 3/5 stars on Goodreads but if I am being totally honest it is more like 2.5.

Tangled Up in Brew by Joyce Tremel

Tangled Up in Brew (Brewing Trouble, #2)

Book two in the Brewing Trouble series. We start with Max and Jake as a couple that seems to be taking it really slow so they do not ruin their friendship (think molasses I did). For this installment the two of them will be participating in the Three Rivers Brews and Burgers Festival which changes things up a little bit as they are not at the shop all of the time (though Max has to pop in constantly to keep all of the beer brewing or just to check the gauges). Max has entered the beer competition while Jake has entered the cooking part so they each play to their strengths. A last minute change in the judges places a very cranky food critic as the third and final judge. He is very unpleasant so it was not a surprise when he was the one that was murdered though it happening while he was tasting Jake's food made things a little rough. On top of that Max's dad is training a new partner who is adamant that Jake is guilty no matter what. Of course this makes Max investigate until she finally discovers what really happened keeping Jake from jail. The writing is amazing and again the little details throughout the book really ties the story all together keeping me hook until I finally ran out pages to read. Great for fans of cozy mysteries. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

To Brew or Not to Brew by Joyce Tremel

To Brew or Not to Brew (Brewing Trouble, #1)

Book one in the Brewing Trouble series. Meet Max O'Hara as she attempts to open her own brewpub in Pittsburgh in a building the previous belonged to a very large brewery that burned down years before. In the few short weeks before she is set to open vandalism stars to occur though small and minor at first it quickly escalates all the way to murder when the best friend/chef is murdered. As the daughter of a detective Max finds she cannot help but investigate. While doing that she hires her brothers best friend to be her new chef but the catch is that she has had a crush on him since she was a teenager which leads to some tension off and on after work. As the investigation heats up so does the romance until they both finally come to head. I will admit that I would have preferred a little more development on the romance angle but I can live with it how it is if I have to though I am interested to see what happens in book two. The murder was quite good though keeping me hooked until the grand reveal later on. Overall the writing in this is great with lots of brewing details worked in so I highly recommend it to fans of cozy mysteries. I really enjoyed it so it gets 4/5 stars.

Spectacle by Rachel Vincent

Spectacle (Menagerie, #2)

Book two in the Menagerie series. This books picks up about a month after the events of the last book when Delilah helped her fellow cryptids take over the menagerie to make their lives more tolerable. They think they have covered their take over quite well until one night directly after closing they are all sedated with dart guns and taken over by The Spectacle Savage which is another group that owns, displays, and essentially tortures cryptids in captivity. Delilah wakes up in a cage and has to find a way to save herself yet again in a whole new environment with technology that she has never dreamed of that controls them all. I admit this story blew my mind a little bit as each new detail came to light. This is a very in depth and detailed world where the aythor really leaves nothing to chance covering all major aspects of a situation while still keeping the reader guessing what will happen next all the way to the last page that of course gives us a cliff hanger to set up for the next book. I highly recommend this book to fans of fantasy novels that contain supernatural creatures and more. I really enjoyed reading it so it gets 4/5 stars.

All Signs Point to Murder by Connie di Marco

All Signs Point to Murder (Zodiac Mystery #2)

*I received a free copy from Netgalley which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.

Book two in the Zodiac Mystery series. Julia is gearing up to be a bridesmaid in her friend Geneva's wedding despite the fact that all of the astrological signs point to the wedding being a very bad idea. As the wedding gets started things start happening one after another with a missing sister of the bride (who is also a bridesmaid) before the ceremony, an unconscious wedding planner after wards, and a deadly shooting that takes place in the middle of the night. Of course this all needs to be investigated to figure out how it all fits together which is exactly what Julia sets out to do with some astrological help along the way as she compiles everyone's charts. Overall this is a really good cozy mystery that keeps the reader hooked until they find out what actually happened. Adding the astrology angle adds just the right touch of whimsy to the mix to make the story still fun even if it is all about a murder. The characters are well developed by this point and easy to get attached. I recommend this to fans of cozy mysteries and since I really enjoyed it I give it 4/5 stars.

Monday, August 14, 2017

A Week to be Wicked by Tessa Dare

 A Week to Be Wicked (Spindle Cove, #2)

Book two in the Spindle Cove series. I fell in love with this book!! Minerva is an established spinster who demands (I know right) that Colin accompany her on a week long trip to Scotland so she can give a presentation of her geological findings to the group of bigwigs that happen to be all men. This is comical because Colin is a confirmed screw-up so the odds of the trip going smoothly are slim to none. There are plenty of mishaps along the way which just had me cracking up. The romance part had a few different elements too as Colin tried his best to not ruin Minerva on the trip (though she asked him to so). He was willing to try some other stuff though until he finally lost all willpower all together. If these parts were not different enough then we get to the very end there is yet another twist for the last little bit. Overall this is a wonderful historical romance that I highly recommend for those that get tired of the same thing happening all of the time. I loved it so much that I give it 5/5 stars.

The Best Kind of Magic by Crystal Cesari

The Best Kind of Magic (Windy City Magic, #1)

Book one in the Windy City Magic series. I wanted to like this book a lot more than I actually did. We get to meet Amber who is the youngest member of the Sands family that has housed some powerful witches over the years. The only problem is that Amber is a matchmaker only which seems to be a lot lower of the hierarchy of magic making her a disappointment to her powerful family members. This also gives her a huge whiny superiority complex that drove me a little crazy throughout the book. When the mayor's fiance  comes up missing his son asks Amber for help thinking her powers are more than they are. This does not stop her from investigating and she finds herself in danger along the way. I liked the mystery part of the story as it was right up my alley with supernatural bad guys and more. My issue was as I stated earlier...her constant whining which made me want to smack her a few times. Still good writing though and if you enjoy YA fantasy books that are different plus a little slower than this book may be for you. I gave it 3/5 stars on Goodreads but I really felt it was a little closer to 2.5.

Princess Charming by Nicole Jordan

Princess Charming

Book one in the Legendary Lovers series. This is a really cute historical romance novel. We get to meet the Wilde cousins as they banded together after the deaths of both sets of their parents to face the world. Now that they are a little older they begin to think that it is time to settle down and marry as they are expected to do. Ashton is the oldest so he goes on his search first only to run across a damsel in distress, Maura, that needs his help to get her beloved stallion back. Unfortunately she is not really interested in a romance much to his dismay. Ash's sister had this grand idea that each of them will find their true love if they only follow the events of certain fairy tales. She has Cinderella in mind for Ash with Maura being his princess. I have to admit I enjoyed this story so much because the female lead was so different from most since she runs and owns her own horse breeding operation. It was quite rare for woman to do that during that time which just made me admire her so much more. This gave her a back bone and at no point did she really need a man to come to her rescue which I always think is nice. This is a must read for those that love a good historical romance so I give it 4/5 stars.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Release Day Blitz for Avishi by Saiswaroopa Iyer

~ Release Day Blitz ~
Avishi by Saiswaroopa Iyer
12th August, 2017

Long before the times of Draupadi and Sita
Immortalised in the hymns of the Rig Veda
But largely forgotten to the memory of India
Is the Warrior Queen with an iron leg, Vishpala

Brought up in the pristine forest school of Naimisha, Avishi reaches the republic of Ashtagani in search of her destiny. When Khela, the oppressive King of the neighbouring Vrishabhavati begins to overwhelm and invade Ashtagani, Avishi rises to protect her settlement. But peril pursues her everywhere.
Separated from her love, her settlement broken, with a brutal injury needing amputation of her leg, can Avishi overcome Khela?

Read an Excerpt

“I am the Queen! This will be my throne!” The seven-year-old chirped leaping from the middle of the porch towards the broken mortar which served as a mock throne. “You will be my guard!”
“Guard?” the man pondered scratching his unkempt beard. 
“No.” He shook his head and smiled seeing her indignant eyes. “I will be the Queen’s elephant.” He beamed.
Sukratu stepped out of the house to see his daughter in action, perching herself on the tramp Loha’s back, pretending in all earnestness that he was her elephant. He smiled and was about to set out for his duty as the night guard of the King. A sudden lightning appeared in the eastern skies. Sukratu had barely walked a few paces when a deafening thunder made him instinctively turn towards home. He heaved a sigh, finding Loha shielding the girl as if he would, his own child. 
“Father, don’t go.” The girl pleaded. 
Sukratu smiled and shifted his gaze towards the sky. He saw dark clouds loom over the city. The monsoon winds had started to make their presence felt. He had to reach the palace soon. “Isn’t my little Queen brave?” He called out. 
The girl nodded. He saw the fear fade. From her eyes. From her heart. She knew she was the queen! Pride filled his heart. His mind ached to stay home but duty beckoned. Tearing his gaze away from the one he treasured the most in his life, braving the drizzle that would soon turn into a storm, he unwillingly walked towards the King’s residence. Sukratu’s house was in the third ring of the concentric structure of Vrishabhavati. In the centre, was the structure, that served as the residence of the king and as the centre of all trade activity of the city. Here no wealth or goods could change hands without the king’s knowledge and approval. The residences of the noblemen formed the two rings around it. The guards and soldiers forming the outermost circle with the citizens living around them. 
As per the protocol, Sukratu approached General Ugra’s residence quite ahead of his reporting time— an hour before the moonrise. He walked into the empty courtyard. But the rain made it impossible for him to stand there any longer. He knocked at the giant wooden door fervently. The doors creaked as a strange woman clad in a dark indigo garment opened them and glared at him with a frown on her forehead. 
General Ugra, Sukratu knew was never faithful to one woman. His superior’s romantic exploits were not his concern either. But something about the woman at the door disconcerted him. “Please let General Ugra know that…”
“He has already left for the palace!” The woman frowned before attempting to shut the door. 
“What? How ca…” Sukratu’s words hung in air as the door slammed on his face and the woman disappeared from his line of vision all of a sudden. Something did not feel right. He knocked at the door again. Firmly this time, as though seeking answers. Any change in the reporting time would have been announced the day before and he remembered that nothing of the sort had happened. His knocks went unanswered. Frowning and muttering under his breath, Sukratu hurried towards an empty cowshed three houses away from Ugra’s place hoping to catch his companions who he knew would be equally surprised. 
The first to arrive was Khela, the eighteen-year-old guard, holding a metal shield above his head. The newest addition to the King’s guard, Khela was related to General Ugra and Sukratu felt that his position in the King’s guard was largely a result of undue favours that Ugra showered upon an otherwise impudent boy. 
“Sukratu! By the great Varuna, I should have come to you earlier!” Khela hurried towards him. Pausing for breath, he added. “Our platoon has been given a relief tonight! It was a sudden decision and I personally informed all the others.”
“Relief for tonight? That happens only when…”
“Our guarding hours change from night to day!” Khela completed in a hurry. “Now, come with me.” He turned towards the western direction and the javelin he held started to sway dangerously and came close to grazing Sukratu’s arm. 
The older guard’s instincts made him dodge the cut. “Where?” Sukratu hissed, visibly annoyed, first with the fact that he was kept in dark about the change in guarding hours and then about Khela’s irreverent behaviour. “And watch who your weapon hurts, boy.”
Khela shrugged and changed the position of his weapon. “We are now going to the place.” He winked, stretching his hand in the direction. “Follow me, this is the only night we get to have some fun.”
Sukratu did not move. The place he knew implied the tavern where wine was served. “We cannot drink tonight, Khela. When do we have to report tomorrow? By sunrise?”
“You ask too many questions. The rest of us are there too!”
“That does not answer my question.” 
“Well, I don’t know, and I don’t care to. The palace is paying for the wine. Are you coming or not?” 
The last sentence sounded more like a threat than an invite. Sukratu had all the mind to give the youth a piece of his mind and storm back home. His daughter would be overjoyed to see him before she went to sleep. It gnawed at Sukratu’s heart every day to leave her under the care of Loha— the tramp who had begged him for shelter about six months ago and then became a part of his life. The girl liked him instantly and had begged Sukratu to let Loha live with them and he, despite his misgivings about the tramp’s origins and his unkempt appearance, could not refuse his only daughter. Over time, Sukratu felt grateful for Loha’s company. Now his daughter did not have to be all by herself every night. The guard’s home would have been unguarded if not for that stranger. Sukratu brushed aside these thoughts and had almost decided to go home when the thought of meeting other senior guards and clarifying the confusion struck him. He followed Khela’s lead, making no attempt to hide his displeasure. 
When they reached the tavern, Sukratu to his dismay, found many of his brothers in arms deeply drunk. “When did they reach here and when did they…”
“Quite some time before. I just forgot to tell you in advance!”
Sukratu’s eyes scrutinized the men and women of the tavern who were serving wine to the guards. There were no other citizens or travellers in the tavern. 
“Just for us, the whole night!” Khela said as if reading his thoughts, bringing him an earthen goblet. 
The older guard accepted the goblet taking his first sip with a sense of foreboding. 
“Where were you all the time, old friend?” The voice belonged to Tunga one of the senior guards in the platoon. 
The grin on his friend’s face brought a smile to Sukratu’s lips. “Tunga, what is this about the sudden change in our guarding hours?” 
“The King… that imbecile, has finally remembered that we are human too!” Tunga guffawed, emptying his goblet, waving vigorously at a woman of the tavern who obliged with a seductive wink. 
She approached them, skilfully distributing her attention between both the men, winking at Tunga and pouting her lips at Sukratu. Her brows rose at Sukratu’s filled cup. “Don’t keep the Sura nor this Sundari waiting, my love...” Serving Tunga his wine, she placed her fingers upon Sukratu’s shoulders, digging her nails into his skin for a moment locking her gaze with his and turned around swiftly, letting her light upper garment rest on his face for a fleeting moment. 
It was a wilful invitation and Sukratu knew it. His attention though was caught by the colour of the garment. The Indigo hued garment! All the women of the tavern wore clothes of the same colour. So did the woman he saw in General Ugra’s house! Was Ugra at home while the woman lied that he was at the palace? If the General and the whole platoon of the night guard were lying down drunk, who was minding the security of the King? Sukratu looked at the rest of the guards. No one seemed sober enough to talk. The only sober man Khela had disappeared!
“By the great Varuna!” Sukratu exclaimed aloud and rushed out, pushing the woman who tried to stop him away. 
He raced to the King’s residence, as fast as his legs could carry him. The huge wooden gates of the structure were closed and secured from inside. The rain lashed drowning his cries. Misgivings regarding the King’s welfare made him shudder. He had to meet General Ugra. Something told him that the General had his own reasons to send the whole platoon of guards to enjoy a drunk night. He was a guard who had sworn to protect the King with his life. The general owed him an answer. Sukratu rushed to General Ugra’s house determined to confront him. 
That, Sukratu realized was the biggest mistake of his life. 
At the gates of the general’s residence he saw a familiar figure hurrying out of his house, a heavy bundle on his shoulders. “General Ugra!” he called out, feeling relieved. 
The figure started, and the bundle fell to the ground. Sukratu came to a sudden halt as he realized it wasn’t a bundle after all, but a blood-drenched corpse. A stroke of lightning from the sky revealed the face and the very familiar greying curls. Sukratu froze for a long moment before he could speak.
 “K... King...”
Something hit him on the head even before he could utter the name. Sukratu staggered, reeling at the impact, clutching at his long sword in a vain attempt to defend the next move. 
“Finish him!” The General shout behind him. 
Before he turned around, Sukratu felt the cold metal tear into his back. Lightning struck revealing the contours of the person. Khela! The javelin stabbed him again. Thunder drowned his screams. Falling to the ground with the weapon still stuck to his back, Sukratu lifted his sword and managed to slash Khela’s palm though the latter, unlike him was vigilant and alert. Crawling away from the menacing duo, knowing very well that he could not last more than a few moments, Sukratu’s thoughts, went to his innocent daughter. She would now languish as an orphan remaining in dark about the monsters who killed her father. Or would they kill her too?
Sukratu would never know. 

About the Author:
Saiswaroopa is an IITian and a former investment analyst turned author. Her keen interest in ancient Indian history, literature and culture made her take to writing. Her debut novel Abhaya, set in the times of Mahabharata was published in 2015. Avishi, her second novel set in Vedic India explores the legend of India’s first mentioned female warrior queen Vishpala.
She holds a certificate in Puranas from Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. She is also trained in Carnatic Classical music and has won a state level gold medal from Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. 

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Friday, August 11, 2017

His Lordship's True Lady by Grace Burrowes

His Lordship's True Lady (True Gentlemen Book 4)

Book four in the True Gentlemen series. If you like historical romance novels than these are the books for you. Hessian is in search of a wife though after making a horrible first marriage he is looking for someone respectable to help him raise his new wards (three kids in all with one girl and two boys). He meets Lily Ferguson who at first glance meets all his requirements of respectability as well as being an heiress. He even enjoys spending time with her which is a pleasant surprise and the kisses are quite nice as well. Unfortunately Lily has a huge secret that no one knows about. When the truth starts to come out both of them begin scrambling to fix things because they have both fallen a little too close to love to give it up. I just loved the problem solving. They are able to fix  the situation to the advantage of all that matter while still keeping society in the dark at the same (this was a big deal during that time making it really necessary). Overall this is a really good romance novel that lets the two fall in love while still being historically accurate and slightly different from every other novel known to man. I like how Grace always changes things up in her books which is why I always have to get my hands on her new releases. I really enjoyed it so I give it 4/5 stars recommending it to fans of historical romances.

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3)

Book three in the Court of Thorns and Roses series. I just have to say that I pretty much love every single one of Sarah's book with this one being the same. Feyre has to go back to the Spring court in this one to deal with Tamlin and get some inside information. She keeps the fact that she is High Lady of the Night Court a secret so no one suspects. After tearing apart the court from the inside she makes her way back to Rhysand just in time for them all to have to gear up for war. Now i will admit that the middle bogs down just a little bit since it does take awhile to move all of the pieces that are needed to bring about a war with this many courts and more involved. You would think that all of them would be able to work together to save their butts but of course ti never seems to work that way. There are quite a few surprises throughout the book with a huge one towards the end that me feeling a huge range of emotions all the way until the very last page. This is a must read for fans of YA fantasy books that have incredible writing and surprise in them. Of course it gets 5/5 stars.

Dream Magic by Joshua Khan

Dream Magic (Shadow Magic, #2)

Book two in the Shadow Magic series written for grades 3-7. Welcome back to the world of Castle Gloom. Lily is still new to leadership and is being plagued by a few problems such as an abundance of undead running round (lots and lots of zombies) along with attacks by jeweled spiders. As things get harder and harder the people start blaming her for their problems because they believe that women should not perform magic, which she does, so she is cursing them. People from entire villages start to go missing and of course Thorn has to investigate along with his trusty bat sidekick. Things really come to head when the trolls decide to declare war making it imperative that Lily and Thorn find out what is really going on. Events move quick in this moving making it impossible for the reader to put it down constantly wanting to know what will be discovered on the next page. Great for kids that love fantasy novels set in made up worlds where the kids get to save the day instead of the grownups. I really enjoyed reading it so it gets 4/5 stars.

Like Father Like Daughter by Christina Morgan

Like Father Like Daughter (Flesh & Blood Trilogy #1)

*I Received a free copy from the author that I chose to voluntarily write an honest review for.

Book one in the Flesh & Blood Trilogy. Libby wakes up covered in her husband blood as he lay dead next to her having been shot. After calling 911 to report what happened she quickly finds herself as the main suspect due to the fact that she happens to be the daughter of a confessed serial killer. She becomes so stressed that at times she even thinks she may have done it without having nay memory of doing so. The cops and her own issues cause her to investigate what really happened and she finds out some nasty tidbits along the way that just seems to make matters worse. The conclusion was a little shocking but interesting none the less as I really enjoyed it. Overall this is a really good suspenseful mystery book that keeps the reader hooked and guessing until the very last page which holds a few surprise on its own. I really enjoyed reading and look forward to getting my hands on the next installment in the trilogy. I give it 4/5 stars.

Book Blitz for Vishwamitra by Dr. Vineet Aggarwal

Vishwamitra by Dr. Vineet Aggarwal
Indian Mythological Fiction
~ Book Blitz ~
11th August, 2017

When Satyavati, wife of Rishi Ruchik, exchanges with her mother the magic potion for bearing a child, they change not just their children’s destiny, but also the history of mankind. Born of this mix up is Vishwamitra, the son of a Kshatriya, who strives to become a Brahmarishi—the ultimate and most powerful of all Gurus.

Vishwamitra is the powerful story of a brave but stubborn, haughty yet compassionate, visionary king of Aryavarta who not only acquires material wealth through military conquests but also becomes one of the most well-known sages of all times.

Top 5 Rishis of all time:

5. BHRIGU - the father-in-law of none other than Lord Vishnu! He is famous to have tested the three gods of the Hindu Trinity to see who’s the most deserving out of them! He is the author of the famous Bhrigu Samhita also known as 'Laal Kitab' that supposedly contains information about every human being's past, present and future.

4. KASHYAP - the father of all species of life that exist including Devas, Daityas, Danavs, Manavs, Apsaras, Gandharvs, Nagas, Plants, Animals, Birds, Aquatics and many more! He gives real meaning to the thought - Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam - the World is my Family.

3. VISHWAMITRA - an ordinary human who in spite of being born as a Kshatriya reached the highest levels of spirituality and became a Brahmarishi at par with Vasishth! He is the discoverer of the famous Gayatri Mantra, and the creator of an entire constellation!
2. ATRI - another son of Brahma and one of the oldest rishis to exist. Husband of a very powerful lady Anasuya and the father of Chandrama, the Hindu Moon-god; Dattatreya, the combined Avatar of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva; and the angry rishi Durvasa.

1. VASISHTH - the son of Brahma the creator-god is number one on the list. He is the original Brahmarishi whom Indra gifted the Divine Cow Nandini. He was the Kulguru of Suryavanshis or the Solar Dynasty of kings in ancient India and mentored many famous kings like Divodas, Harishchandra and Shri Rama.

About the Author

Dr. Vineet Aggarwal is described by many as a doctor by qualification, manager by profession and artist by temperament. Born in a family of doctors, he successfully completed an initial stint with the family occupation before deciding to venture into pharmaceutical management and currently pursues writing and photography as a passion.

He is the author of popular online blogs ‘Decode Hindu Mythology’ and ‘Fraternity Against Terrorism and Extremism’ and the author of books ‘Vishwamitra – The Man who dared to challenge the Gods’ and ‘The Legend of Parshu-Raam’

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

An English Bride in Scotland by Lynsay Sands

An English Bride In Scotland (Highlanders, #1)

Book one in the Highlanders series. Annabel had lived in the abbey with the nuns since she was 7 preparing to take the veil when she was deemed ready. Suddenly her mother shows up, whisks her away with ni time to pack, and takes her home forcing her to wed. All because her older sister ran away with the stable masters son leaving the parents responsible for a marriage contract signed years ago. The groom, Ross, is okay with the switch just wanting to get back home before he is needed. The two make quite the pair as they get to know each other and figure out who they really are. Just as things are looking up for the two of them things start going bad really fast. Finally Annabel is kidnapped and the culprit comes as a pleasant surprise. The is a well written romance novel that stays historically accurate while still keeping the pace of the story. I became attached to the couple as they wooed one another throughout the pages. This is a must read for fans of historical romance novels especially those with a highland flair. I really enjoyed reading it so it gets 4/5 stars.