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Monday, July 31, 2017

What the Duke Doesn't Know by Jane Ashford

What the Duke Doesn't Know (The Duke's Sons #2)

Book two in the Duke's Sons series. This book shows yet again why the parents of these boys raised them so well. We get James' story this time as he meets a young woman from an island in the South Pacific when she attempts to shoot him thinking he is the man responsible for the theft of her fathers fortune. It is all a big misunderstanding of course but the following investigation throws them into each others company quite a bit which leads to some wonderful fireworks as the two cultures clash. The meandering road they travel to meet in the middle leads to some interesting misunderstandings as well as some funny moments that have the reader rooting for the two to figure out their differences before the end of the story. Overall this is an excellent historical romance novel that leads the reader along a path to true love in a most inspiring manner. I really enjoyed reading about this couple so it gets 4/5 stars.

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